Are you having trouble viewing this email? If so, click here to see it in a web browser. | | | | | | | | | | DECEMBER 28, 2012 | Make the Job More Like a Game | | No manager ever says, "Let's make our company a boring place to work." Yet, many do exactly that. To instill more fun and excitement into work, design jobs so they feel more like games. This means providing a sharply focused, urgent goal and a very tight deadline. Set up autonomous teams and encourage them to experiment. Even long-term goals can be broken into smaller game-like chunks. Think 10 or 15 weeks instead of 6 months of a year. For each goal, ask a team to plan an approach and carry it out. The whole effort should encourage creativity. Most importantly, take note of and celebrate successes along the way. | | | | Read the full post and join the discussion » | | | | | | FEATURED PRODUCT | ![Communicating for Results]( | | Communicating for Results | | A Harvard ManageMentor Skill Pack | | Effective communication is a key driver for achieving desired results on a personal or business level. This interactive, online Harvard ManageMentor Skill Pack includes four critical topic modules designed to help you apply the knowledge and skills you need to improve your communication. The four topics are: Presentation Skills, Negotiating, Persuading Others, and Writing Skills. Each online module includes a comprehensive overview in Core Concepts, a set of "how to" action steps, tips, a self-test, and interactive exercises that help you prepare for real-world challenges.
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