Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

April 30, 2019

Make Time to Focus on Each Employee’s Professional Growth

Managers are supposed to help their teams develop professionally — and great managers tailor their development efforts to each person. Doing so helps you understand the nuances of how people are growing week by week and month by month. At the end of each week, take 15 minutes to write down recent steps you’ve taken to support team members. Note what patterns you’re seeing for each employee, opportunities for future growth, and feedback you’d like to give. As you gain insight into someone’s progress, find a few minutes to pull the person aside to discuss it. You don’t have to wait for their formal review; engaging with people on an ongoing basis shows that you know what success looks like for them and are working to help them achieve it. When employees see that you take their growth seriously, they’re more likely to give you their best efforts.

Adapted from “Why a One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Employee Development Doesn’t Work,” by Sydney Finkelstein



How Finance Works

Mihir Desai

In How Finance Works, Mihir Desai—a professor at Harvard Business School and author of The Wisdom of Finance—guides you into the complex but endlessly fascinating world of finance, demystifying it in the process.

Through entertaining case studies, interactive exercises, full-color visuals, and a conversational style that belies the topic, Professor Desai tackles a broad range of topics that will give you the knowledge and skills you need to finally understand how finance works. These include: How different financial levers can affect a company's performance; how value is created, measured, and maximized; why finance is more concerned with cash flow than profits; and more.


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HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth

Harvard Business Review

The days of HR-sponsored development plans are over. Managing your career — and the skills you need to be successful — is your responsibility. If you’re looking to push yourself to the next level, it can be hard to determine where to start.

The HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth will be your coach, transforming your abstract hopes and ideas into a concrete action plan. No matter where you are in your career, this guide will help you: Assess your current skills — and acquire new ones; elicit feedback you can use; set meaningful — and achievable — goals; make time for learning; identify your next challenge; and more.


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Hotlist: How to Show You’re Passionate in a Job Interview

THE WEEKLY HOTLIST: Harvard Business Review

April 29, 2019

How to Show You're Passionate in a Job Interview

By Sabina Nawaz

Professional transitions

The Art of Blooming Late by Kevin Evers

How to mature into success


5 Myths About Strategy by Stephen Bungay

Why we believe them and why we're wrong.


What Process Mining Is, and Why Companies Should Do It by Thomas H. Davenport, Andrew Spanyi

To improve your processes, analyze the data.

Managing yourself

Don't Be Blinded by Your Own Expertise by Sydney Finkelstein

Here's how to broaden your outlook.

Employee retention

Want Fewer Employees to Quit? Listen to Them by Achyuta Adhvaryu, Teresa Molina, Anant Nyshadham

A new study confirms an old idea.


Your Approach to Hiring Is All Wrong by Peter Cappelli

Outsourcing and algorithms won't get you the people you need.

Employee retention

Should You Try to Convince a Star Employee to Stay? by Art Markman

Sometimes it's better to let them go.

Human resource management

Your Workforce Is More Adaptable Than You Think by Joseph B. Fuller, Judith K. Wallenstein, Manjari Raman, Alice de Chalendar

Employees are eager to embrace retraining—and companies need to seize this as a competitive opportunity.


How Finance Works: The HBR Guide to Thinking Smart about the Numbers

Mihir Desai

In How Finance Works, Mihir Desai — a professor at Harvard Business School and author of The Wisdom of Finance — guides you into the complex but endlessly fascinating world of finance, demystifying it in the process.

Through entertaining case studies, interactive exercises, full-color visuals, and a conversational style that belies the topic, Professor Desai tackles a broad range of topics that will give you the knowledge and skills you need to finally understand how finance works. These include: How different financial levers can affect a company’s performance; how value is created, measured, and maximized; why finance is more concerned with cash flow than profits; and more.


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HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth

Harvard Business Review

The days of HR-sponsored development plans are over. Managing your career — and the skills you need to be successful — is your responsibility. If you’re looking to push yourself to the next level, it can be hard to determine where to start.

The HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth will be your coach, transforming your abstract hopes and ideas into a concrete action plan. No matter where you are in your career, this guide will help you: Assess your current skills — and acquire new ones; elicit feedback you can use; set meaningful — and achievable — goals; make time for learning; identify your next challenge; and more.


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Monday, April 29, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

April 29, 2019

Managers, Don’t Let Your To-Do List Distract You from Leading Your Team

Just like everyone else, managers have to get things done every day. But when managers focus too much on their to-do lists, they may not have enough time for developing and inspiring their employees. If you’re struggling to balance your individual work and the work of leading your team, reset your priorities. Seek out leaders who find that balance and ask how they do it. You can also ask them for feedback on your efforts. Use the feedback to think about ways you can give employees what they need, whether it’s holding regular career development conversations, pausing to acknowledge a colleague’s efforts, or closing your laptop to focus in one-on-one meetings. Over the next few weeks, notice when you feel a task or deadline pulling your attention away from a direct report. Remind yourself to focus on the people you’re leading — you’ll be able to get back to your to-do list soon enough.

Adapted from “Why Highly Efficient Leaders Fail,” by Rebecca Zucker



How Finance Works

Mihir Desai

In How Finance Works, Mihir Desai—a professor at Harvard Business School and author of The Wisdom of Finance—guides you into the complex but endlessly fascinating world of finance, demystifying it in the process.

Through entertaining case studies, interactive exercises, full-color visuals, and a conversational style that belies the topic, Professor Desai tackles a broad range of topics that will give you the knowledge and skills you need to finally understand how finance works. These include: How different financial levers can affect a company's performance; how value is created, measured, and maximized; why finance is more concerned with cash flow than profits; and more.


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HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth

Harvard Business Review

The days of HR-sponsored development plans are over. Managing your career — and the skills you need to be successful — is your responsibility. If you’re looking to push yourself to the next level, it can be hard to determine where to start.

The HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth will be your coach, transforming your abstract hopes and ideas into a concrete action plan. No matter where you are in your career, this guide will help you: Assess your current skills — and acquire new ones; elicit feedback you can use; set meaningful — and achievable — goals; make time for learning; identify your next challenge; and more.


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