Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Daily Stat from Harvard Business Review

  The Daily Stat - Harvard Business Review

April 30, 2015

Do Olympics in the U.S. Create Jobs? Yes, and at a Low Taxpayer Cost

The 1996 Summer Olympics had a statistically significant and substantial positive impact on jobs in metro and suburban Atlanta; for example, employment gains due to the games exceeded gains in comparable counties by 11% four years later, says a team led by Julie L. Hotchkiss of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Georgia State University. If you take into account the support for the games provided by federal and local governments, the taxpayer cost amounted to roughly $1,700 per job created; for comparison, the taxpayer cost per job created in the 1990s by non-Olympic economic initiatives in New York, Michigan, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Georgia ranged from $2,500 to an estimated $147,000, the researchers say.



The Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review

  HBR Management Tip of the Day - Harvard Business Review

April 30, 2015

Stave Off Burnout After a Big Project

It can be hard to stay motivated after a major achievement. When you spend months focused on a single project, you get used to a certain momentum. But once you reach your goal and have to revert back to life as usual, you start feeling burned out. To make the transition from a big win back to your normal routine easier, make a few adjustments. First, recognize that your job is about to get more difficult. Before you dive into the backlog of work that grew while you were working on your project, set aside a few hours outside the office to list, clarify, and prioritize your tasks. Then focus on restocking your energy. Take breaks during the day. Go for a walk, or have lunch away from your computer. Reserve time to explore your next big goal. You need something new to be excited about.

Adapted from “Staying Motivated After a Major Achievement” by Ron Friedman.



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