Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

April 30, 2019

Make Time to Focus on Each Employee’s Professional Growth

Managers are supposed to help their teams develop professionally — and great managers tailor their development efforts to each person. Doing so helps you understand the nuances of how people are growing week by week and month by month. At the end of each week, take 15 minutes to write down recent steps you’ve taken to support team members. Note what patterns you’re seeing for each employee, opportunities for future growth, and feedback you’d like to give. As you gain insight into someone’s progress, find a few minutes to pull the person aside to discuss it. You don’t have to wait for their formal review; engaging with people on an ongoing basis shows that you know what success looks like for them and are working to help them achieve it. When employees see that you take their growth seriously, they’re more likely to give you their best efforts.

Adapted from “Why a One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Employee Development Doesn’t Work,” by Sydney Finkelstein



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Harvard Business Review

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