Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

April 11, 2019

Quick Productivity Hack: Turn Off Your Push Notifications

How many push notifications do you get in a single day? For most people, the answer is “too many.” We do our best work when we have uninterrupted blocks of time, but the sounds and buzzes of our devices can make finding that time nearly impossible. To protect your productivity, be more intentional about how often you let technology bother you. One big way to do that is to consider disabling all (or at least some) notifications on your laptop and smartphone. This may seem extreme, but it will help you focus without interruption. You might also turn on airplane mode or Do Not Disturb mode while you’re working. Schedule breaks throughout the day to check and respond to email, and resist the urge to check otherwise. If you’re a manager, set expectations with your team for email and other messages. Be clear about how quickly people need to respond, and make sure they have windows of quiet time for doing deep work.

Adapted from "Stop Letting Push Notifications Ruin Your Productivity," by Steve Glaveski



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