Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Hotlist: To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking, Stop Thinking About Yourself

THE WEEKLY HOTLIST: Harvard Business Review

September 23, 2019

To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking, Stop Thinking About Yourself

By Sarah Gershman


What to Do When You're Losing Your Audience During a Presentation
By Dorie Clark

Four tips for when the phones come out.

Receiving feedback

Why Asking for Advice Is More Effective Than Asking for Feedback
By Jaewon Yoon, Hayley Blunden, Ariella Kristal, Ashley Whillans

According to results from four experiments.


Automation Isn't About to Make Truckers Obsolete
By Maury Gittleman, Kristen Monaco

Three reasons not to panic.

Time management

6 Ways to Set Boundaries Around Email
By Sarah K. Peck

You don't have to be OOO to set an OOO message.


The Benefits of Bringing Your Whole Identity to Work
By Sandra E. Cha, Laura Morgan Roberts

What makes you unique can help you get ahead.

Managing yourself

How to Keep Envy from Poisoning Your Team's Culture
By Ron Carucci

Create a culture of compassion, not comparison.


Hiring for Culture Fit Doesn't Have to Undermine Diversity
By Joeri Hofmans, Timothy A. Judge

Four common misconceptions are hurting companies' talent strategies.

Business education

How the Value of Educational Credentials Is and Isn't Changing
By Sean Gallagher

Degrees still matter, but online programs are playing a complementary role.


Reinventing the Organization: How Companies Can Deliver Radically Greater Value in Fast-Changing Markets

Arthur Yeung and Dave Ulrich

The traditional hierarchical organization is dead, but what replaces it? Numerous new models—the agile organization, the networked organization, and holacracy, to name a few—have emerged, but leaders need to know what really works. How do you build an organization that is responsive to fast-changing markets? What kind of organization delivers both speed and scale, and how do you lead it? Based on their in-depth research at leading Chinese, US, and European firms such as Alibaba, Amazon, DiDi, Facebook, Google, Huawei, Supercell, and Tencent, and drawing from their synthesis of the latest organization research and practice, authors Arthur Yeung and Dave Ulrich explain how to build a new kind of organization (a “market-oriented ecosystem”) that responds to changing market opportunities with speed and scale.

For any leader eager to build a stronger, more responsive organization and for all those in HR, organizational development, and consulting who will shape and deliver it, Reinventing the Organization provides a much-needed roadmap for reinvention.


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HBR’s 10 Must Reads 2020

Harvard Business Review, Michael E. Porter, Nitin Nohria, Katrina Lake, Paul Daugherty

We've reviewed the ideas, insights, and best practices from the past year of Harvard Business Review to keep you up-to-date on the most cutting-edge, influential thinking driving business today. With authors from Michael E. Porter to Katrina Lake and company examples from Alibaba to 3M, this volume brings the most current and important management conversations right to your fingertips. This book will inspire you to ask better questions to boost your learning, persuade others, and negotiate more effectively; create workplace conditions where gender equity can thrive; boost results by allowing humans and AI to enhance one another's strengths; prepare your company for a rapidly aging workforce and society; and more.


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