Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

June 20, 2019

Set Healthy Standards of Work for Your Team

When employees feel constantly busy, so busy that they barely have time to breathe, it diminishes their creativity, drive, and job satisfaction. Managers need to take the lead in creating healthy standards for their teams. Here are some things to try.

  • Set an example. Let your team see you taking lunch breaks, leaving the office on time, and working flexibly. And don’t send emails or other messages late at night — it signals that employees should be working at all hours.
  • Plan extra time. Research has found we’re overly optimistic about how long a task will take. Encourage your team to block out extra time each week to finish up lingering projects. This will help people free up space on their to-do lists (and in their brains).
  • Increase workload transparency. Talk to employees about their workloads to get a fuller sense of what they’re working on. Use what you hear to think about whether the team needs more resources or should stop doing certain kinds of work.

Adapted from “Preventing Busyness from Becoming Burnout,” by Brigid Schulte



Bring Your Brain to Work: Using Cognitive Science to Get a Job, Do It Well, and Advance Your Career

Art Markman

We know that psychology can teach us much about behaviors and challenges relevant to work, such as making better decisions, influencing people, and dealing with stress. But many popular books on these topics analyze them as universal human phenomena without providing real-life, constructive career help.

In Bring Your Brain to Work, professor, author, and popular radio host Art Markman focuses on three essential elements of a successful career — getting a job, excelling at work, and finding your next position — and expertly illustrates how cognitive science, especially psychology, sheds fascinating and useful light on each of these elements.


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HBR Guide to Work-Life Balance

Harvard Business Review, Stewart D. Friedman, Elizabeth Grace Saunders, Peter Bregman

Evaluate and adjust your priorities; manage expectations; set and spend your time budget; make plans—and backup plans; understand how to make trade-offs; and prioritize self-care.


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