Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

June 19, 2019

After a Fight with a Coworker, Be Proactive About Apologizing

When a disagreement with a coworker spirals into the kind of fight where you regret your words and actions, you need to be proactive about mending the relationship. Set up a one-on-one meeting with the other person. Your initial goal is simply to apologize, so specifically acknowledge what you did wrong. Then say you’d like to discuss what happened and how to keep it from happening again. (If emotions are still running high, it may be better to pause the discussion here for a day or two.) Think through the incident together, identifying when the situation turned negative and why. For example, if you got upset because your colleague seemed to take credit for your idea in a big meeting, talk about how to make sure everyone’s contributions are publicly acknowledged. And be sure to express how much you care about having a collaborative relationship. Highlight what you value about the colleague’s work, and discuss how you two can rebuild trust.

Adapted from “What to Do After an Uncomfortable Conversation with a Coworker,” by Sabina Nawaz



Bring Your Brain to Work: Using Cognitive Science to Get a Job, Do It Well, and Advance Your Career

Art Markman

We know that psychology can teach us much about behaviors and challenges relevant to work, such as making better decisions, influencing people, and dealing with stress. But many popular books on these topics analyze them as universal human phenomena without providing real-life, constructive career help.

In Bring Your Brain to Work, professor, author, and popular radio host Art Markman focuses on three essential elements of a successful career — getting a job, excelling at work, and finding your next position — and expertly illustrates how cognitive science, especially psychology, sheds fascinating and useful light on each of these elements.


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HBR Guide to Work-Life Balance

Harvard Business Review, Stewart D. Friedman, Elizabeth Grace Saunders, Peter Bregman

Evaluate and adjust your priorities; manage expectations; set and spend your time budget; make plans—and backup plans; understand how to make trade-offs; and prioritize self-care.


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