Monday, April 14, 2014

Management Tip of the Day: Don't Take a Break, Take a Walk

  HBR Management Tip of the Day - Harvard Business Review

April 14, 2014

Don’t Take a Break, Take a Walk

We're taught to believe that "serious" work happens at our desks — but getting out of the office can spur productivity. Research shows that walking isn't just a way to exercise or relax; it boosts creativity, lifts your mood, and helps spark new ideas. If you're constantly getting distracted at your desk, by email or coworkers, a walk can help you focus. When walking alone, rehearse a presentation, mentally prep for a difficult conversation, or mull over a tough problem. Walking is also great for professional heart-to-heart talks, since moving together makes conversation less stiff and more authentic. You may also find the change of scenery to be far more effective than a whiteboard for collaboration. So when you really need to get something done, try stepping out for a stroll.

Adapted from "Take a Walk, Sure, but Don't Call It a Break" by Dan Pallotta.

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