Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Management Tip of the Day

November 29, 2018

When a Coworker Is Struggling to Be Productive

Sometimes productivity is a team effort. If a colleague is struggling to stay focused and engaged, helping them may not be part of your job description, but it is the kind thing to do. Take time to chat with them at their desk, or invite them to grab a cup of coffee or a drink after work. Let them know that you've noticed they're off their game, and talk openly about the times you've struggled with projects or had bad days, to show them they are not alone. But make sure the conversation stays productive; it's easy for a well-intentioned check-in to turn into a gripe session about what's wrong with your workplace. Brainstorm small steps they can take to make progress on their most important goals. Of course, be careful that helping your colleague doesn't drain your energy or hurt your performance. You don't have to solve their problems — just give them the little push they need to get unstuck.

Adapted from "How to Help a Colleague Who Seems Off Their Game," by Art Markman



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