Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Management Tip of the Day: How to Attract the Best College Talent

  HBR Management Tip of the Day - Harvard Business Review

May 27, 2014

How to Attract the Best College Talent

Many companies have on-campus recruiting plans, where they focus their sourcing and branding efforts, but being present on campus isn't enough. To build a brand among college grads, you need to get your story out there. Use language that Millennials relate to, and go where the students are (which is often not at college fairs) – go online. Invest in a visually appealing, easily accessible, content-rich site where students can go to learn about your company. Showcase the right alums, intern experiences, and the basic message you want to deliver. A good "brand page" should tell the story of your mission, your culture, and why someone should join your team. You can also engage through social media. Look at grads' specific interests, who they follow, what they're talking about, etc. Most online communities don't like being marketed to, so be authentic, bring users value, and be cautious of blatant self-promotion.

Adapted from " How Companies Can Attract the Best College Talent" by Sanjeev Agrawal.

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