Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

July 5, 2018

Help Your Boss Be Aware of What's Happening on the Team

Bosses have a lot to deal with, so it's not hard for them to miss day-to-day issues with their employees. If your team has a problem, and your boss doesn't seem to understand what's going on, try to help them catch up. Without being overly blunt or critical, provide a social reading of the situation that your boss is missing. For example, you could offer observations such as: "Did you notice that Isabel is a bit down this week?" or "Have you noticed that everyone seems stressed out lately?" You could also say something general, such as: "Would you mind if I shared some observations about Marco with you?" Make your suggestions with tact; your goal should be to enlighten your boss, not to chastise or embarrass a colleague. By showing your manager issues they otherwise would've missed, you can be a lens through which they better understand the team — benefiting everyone.

Adapted from "How to Work for a Boss Who Lacks Self-Awareness," by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic



Reinvent Your Business Model

By Mark W. Johnson

Reinvent your business model for transformative growth. Innosight's Mark Johnson provides a practical framework for understanding how a business model works and lays out a process for reinventing an existing business model—or creating an entirely new one.


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The Three-Box Solution Strategy Toolkit

By Vijay Govindarajan

Innovation guru Vijay Govindarajan expands the leader”s innovation toolkit with a simple and proven method for allocating the organization”s energy, time, and resources—in balanced measure—across what he calls “the three boxes.” The three-box framework, first introduced in Govindarajan's bestselling book, makes leading innovation easier because it gives executives a simple vocabulary and set of tools for managing each of the three boxes:

  • Box 1: The present—manage the core business at peak profitability
  • Box 2: The past—abandon ideas, practices, and attitudes that could inhibit innovation and
  • Box 3: The future—convert breakthrough ideas into new products and businesses.


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