Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

July 12, 2018

To Use Your Time Better, Track It

It's hard to know whether you're using your time efficiently. Even if you're always working hard — and stressed out — are you sure you're spending your time on the right things? To find out, try a time-tracking exercise. For 30 days, use a spreadsheet to log how you spend your time, measuring it in half-hour increments. It might sound arduous, but this exercise can yield some surprising insights. For example, maybe one of your goals is to read more, in order to explore new ideas, but you're struggling to find the time. The exercise might reveal that you could combine exercising, cooking, or commuting to work with listening to audiobooks or podcasts. Time tracking might also show you that you're especially likely to waste certain hours of the day (say, evenings spent scrolling through social media) and that certain tasks carry disproportionate psychological weight (such as managing your email). Only by tracking your time can you truly figure out whether you're spending it well.

Adapted from "Track Your Time for 30 Days. What You Learn Might Surprise You," by Dorie Clark



Reverse Innovation in Health Care

By Vijay Govindarajan and Ravi Ramamurti

Health care in the United States and other nations is on a collision course with patient needs and economic reality. For over a decade, leading thinkers, including Michael Porter and Clayton Christensen, have argued passionately for value-based health-care reform. Though still a pipe dream here in the United States, value-based competition is already a reality—in India.

In Reverse Innovation in Health Care, Vijay Govindarajan and Ravi Ramamurti reveal four pathways being used by health-care organizations in the United States to apply Indian-style principles to attack the exorbitant costs, uneven quality, and incomplete access to health care. Reverse innovation has worked in other industries. We need it now in health care.


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The Three-Box Solution Strategy Toolkit

By Vijay Govindarajan

Innovation guru Vijay Govindarajan expands the leader”s innovation toolkit with a simple and proven method for allocating the organization”s energy, time, and resources—in balanced measure—across what he calls “the three boxes.” The three-box framework, first introduced in Govindarajan's bestselling book, makes leading innovation easier because it gives executives a simple vocabulary and set of tools for managing each of the three boxes:

  • Box 1: The present—manage the core business at peak profitability
  • Box 2: The past—abandon ideas, practices, and attitudes that could inhibit innovation and
  • Box 3: The future—convert breakthrough ideas into new products and businesses.


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