Monday, July 22, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

July 22, 2019

Do You Listen to Your Employees Enough?

When people are dissatisfied at work, they can feel as though they have two choices: quit or voice their concerns. Organizations can prevent turnover and retain more employees by creating work environments in which people want to choose the latter. One way to help employees feel heard is to regularly conduct anonymous surveys that allow them to give feedback on various aspects of their roles. When people can speak up about their frustrations without facing consequences for it, managers can gain valuable insights into what their employees want and need. Share the results of these surveys with the leadership team; you may want to address common concerns in a companywide offsite or team meetings. It's also important for managers to show employees they are acting on prominent issues. You may not be able to solve every problem or fix every dissatisfaction, but demonstrating that you're willing to listen is a good step toward improving work for everyone.

Adapted from “Want Fewer Employees to Quit? Listen to Them,” by Achyuta Adhvaryu et al.



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