Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

May 8, 2019

Show You’re Passionate in a Job Interview (Without Bragging About Yourself)

Hiring managers and recruiters want candidates who are passionate about their work. But going on and on about your past achievements can feel awkward. Luckily, there are subtler ways to show your commitment. For example, instead of telling hiring managers all about the great work you’ve done, explain why you do what you do. What drew you to your field? What motivates you to go to the office every day? You can also talk about when you’ve gone above and beyond your job description. Have you ever put in extra effort on a project you cared about? Taken on responsibilities that weren’t part of your job? Another way to show your enthusiasm is to share how you spend your free time. Are your hobbies or volunteer work connected to your field? Have you used your skills to help a nonprofit or community organization? Talk about that.

Adapted from “How to Show You’re Passionate in a Job Interview,” by Sabina Nawaz



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Harvard Business Review, Michael E. Porter, Joan C. Williams, Adam Grant

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