Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

May 1, 2019

What’s Stopping Your Team from Being More Creative?

If your employees are struggling to be creative, think about what might be getting in their way. Sometimes it may be the team’s processes. When people have to adhere too strictly to rules and procedures, brainstorming suffers. Can employees express opinions that run counter to the way things are normally done? Are they allowed to think broadly and originally? If not, try removing the processes or bureaucratic limitations that hold them back during creative sessions. Encourage employees to take risks, try unorthodox approaches, and disagree with the conventional thinking. But sometimes what gets in the way of creativity is people’s self-perception. If employees view themselves as not creative, they may be less likely to contribute. When you sense that someone is holding back, offer them coaching and support. Remind them that no suggestions are wrong or bad, and that every contribution is important. And tell them that if they believe they can become more creative over time, there’s a good chance they will.

Adapted from “How to Unlock Your Team’s Creativity,” by Rebecca Shambaugh



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