Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

May 2, 2019

Family Businesses Should Embrace (Some) Conflict

Families that run companies often avoid conflict, worrying about how fighting could affect the business. But conflict is inevitable, and ignoring it can lead to disastrous consequences: limited growth, poor decision making, and a loss of competitive advantage. A better approach is to reframe “fighting” (something volatile and uncomfortable) as “disagreeing” (something constructive and less uncomfortable). Disagreements give people space to express their views, consider new ones, and solve problems. In your next business meeting, encourage people to share points of view that clash with yours. Don’t take any tension personally; remind everyone that you all want what’s best for the business, and that disagreeing with each other is normal and healthy (as long as it’s done respectfully). As family members get more comfortable with disagreements, they’ll feel more able to bring up tough issues that need to be addressed. And they’ll see that a little conflict can make their bonds and the company even stronger.

Adapted from “Why Family Businesses Need to Find the Right Level of Conflict,” by Josh Baron



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