Friday, June 29, 2018

The Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

June 29, 2018

To Motivate a Mid-Career Employee, Offer a Change of Scenery

The mid-career crisis is a real phenomenon. Research has shown that people's satisfaction bottoms out when they're in the middle of their careers. As a manager, you don't want to lose these valuable employees just because they fall into a slump. To keep them engaged, consider offering a change of scenery through remote work or even a relocation. Remote work can let them change their personal lives without hurting their professional progress. A relocation to a different office could make sense for both the company and the employee if that office needs the employee's skills. Of course, a relocation is a big life change for the employee, so the company should be ready to assist with the move. In offering these options, you can help an experienced employee who still has years left in their career rekindle their enthusiasm for work.

Adapted from "Many Employees Have a Mid-Career Crisis. Here's How Employers Can Help," by Serenity Gibbons



Reinvent Your Business Model

By Mark W. Johnson

Reinvent your business model for transformative growth. Innosight's Mark Johnson provides a practical framework for understanding how a business model works and lays out a process for reinventing an existing business model—or creating an entirely new one.


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The Three-Box Solution Strategy Toolkit

By Vijay Govindarajan

Innovation guru Vijay Govindarajan expands the leader”s innovation toolkit with a simple and proven method for allocating the organization”s energy, time, and resources—in balanced measure—across what he calls “the three boxes.” The three-box framework, first introduced in Govindarajan's bestselling book, makes leading innovation easier because it gives executives a simple vocabulary and set of tools for managing each of the three boxes:

  • Box 1: The present—manage the core business at peak profitability
  • Box 2: The past—abandon ideas, practices, and attitudes that could inhibit innovation and
  • Box 3: The future—convert breakthrough ideas into new products and businesses.


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