Tuesday, June 26, 2018

How CEOs Manage Time

THE WEEKLY HOTLIST: Harvard Business Review

June 25, 2018

How CEOs Manage Time

By Michael E. Porter, Nitin Nohria

Strategic thinking

If Strategy Is So Important, Why Don't We Make Time for It? by Dorie Clark

Step away from your desk and give yourself space to think.

Managing people

How Are You Protecting Your High Performers from Burnout? by Matt Plummer

We ask our best people to do too much.


When Did the U.S. Stop Seeing Teachers as Professionals? by Robert Bruno

What's really behind the recent strikes.

Employee retention

Do Your Employees Feel Respected? by Kristie Rogers

Show workers that they're valued, and your business will flourish.


How to Identify and Tell Your Most Powerful Stories by Nancy Duarte

They're the ones that help people connect to you on a personal level.

Managing yourself

Collaboration Without Burnout by Rob Cross, Scott Taylor, Deb Zehner

Ways to stay helpful while avoiding overload

Assessing performance

3 Biases That Hijack Performance Reviews, and How to Address Them by Beth Jones, Khalil Smith, David Rock

What managers should keep in mind if they want to be fair.

Social responsibility

How Marketers Can Connect Profit and Purpose by Mark Bonchek, Cara France

According to interviews with over 20 CMOs and CEOs.



By Heidi Grant Halvorson

Even though we hate to ask for help, most people are wired to be helpful. And that's a good thing, because every day in the modern, uber-collaborative workplace, we all need to know when and how to call in the cavalry. However, asking people for help isn't intuitive; in fact, a lot of our instincts are wrong. As a result, we do a poor job of calling in the reinforcements we need, leaving confused or even offended colleagues in our wake. This pragmatic book explains how to get it right.

With humor, insight, and engaging storytelling, Heidi Grant, PhD, describes how to elicit helpful behavior from your friends, family, and colleagues—in a way that leaves them feeling genuinely happy to lend a hand.


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The Three-Box Solution Strategy Toolkit

By Vijay Govindarajan

Innovation guru Vijay Govindarajan expands the leader”s innovation toolkit with a simple and proven method for allocating the organization”s energy, time, and resources—in balanced measure—across what he calls “the three boxes.” The three-box framework, first introduced in Govindarajan's bestselling book, makes leading innovation easier because it gives executives a simple vocabulary and set of tools for managing each of the three boxes:

  • Box 1: The present—manage the core business at peak profitability
  • Box 2: The past—abandon ideas, practices, and attitudes that could inhibit innovation and
  • Box 3: The future—convert breakthrough ideas into new products and businesses.


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