Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review

May 31, 2018

Managers, Make Yourself Available to Your Remote Employees

One of the most challenging parts of working remotely is feeling shunned and left out. Managers can counter this problem by proactively making sure distant workers feel included. How? First, check in frequently and consistently. Just because someone works remotely doesn't mean you can leave them alone. Stay in touch with them often, and clearly communicate your expectations for projects, roles, and deadlines. Second, and most important, be available to remote employees no matter what time zone they're in. This doesn't mean you have to respond to emails at all hours of the night, but be reachable at designated times and in multiple ways (IM, Slack, Skype, email, phone, text). Remote employees should always be able to count on you to respond to pressing concerns, no matter where they work.

Adapted from "A Study of 1,100 Employees Found That Remote Workers Feel Shunned and Left Out," by Joseph Grenny and David Maxfield



Never Stop Learning

By Bradley R. Staats

It's a truism in today's economy: the only constant is change. Relentless forces such as technological automation, globalization, and the internet are shaping our lives and the ways in which we work. These forces beckon a new imperative: we must strive to become dynamic learners.

In Never Stop Learning, behavioral scientist and operations expert Bradley R. Staats describes the principles and practices that comprise dynamic learning and outlines a framework to help you become more effective as a lifelong learner. Replete with the most recent research about how we learn as well as engaging stories that show how real learning happens, Never Stop Learning will become the operating manual for leaders, managers, and anyone who wants to keep thriving in the new world of work.


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Data Analytics Collection

By Harvard Business Review

Most companies have massive amounts of data at their disposal yet fail to utilize it in any meaningful way. Big data and the analytics based on it promise to change virtually every industry and business function over the next decade. The specially priced, three-volume Data Analytics Collection will enable you to leverage your data in key business decisions and processes with impressive results. The set includes Keeping Up with the Quants: Your Guide to Understanding and Using Analytics, Competing on Analytics, and HBR Guide to Data Analytics Basics for Managers Ebook + Tools.


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