Tuesday, May 22, 2018

How Humble Leadership Really Works


May 22, 2018

How Humble Leadership Really Works

By Dan Cable

Remaining Objective Is Hard, But the Best Leaders Figure Out How to Do It by Michael P. Dempsey

Lessons from a sector where objectivity is literally life or death: spy agencies.

Interviews with 59 Black Female Executives Explore Intersectional Invisibility and Strategies to Overcome It by Alexis Nicole Smith, Marla Baskerville Watkins, Jamie J. Ladge, Pamela Carlton

They took on visible, high-risk roles that helped them rise in their companies.

3 Ways Senior Leaders Create a Toxic Culture by Ron Carucci

Dysfunction at the top can hurt the whole company.

Assessment: Are You a Compassionate Leader? by Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter, Jason Beck

With simple practices we can bring more wisdom to our leadership.


Build an A-Team

By Whitney Johnson

What's the secret to having an engaged and productive team? It's having a plan for developing all employees—no matter where they are on their personal learning curves.

Better morale and higher performance happen through learning, argues Whitney Johnson. In Build an A-Team, she argues that employees need continuous learning and fresh challenges to stay motivated. Johnson presents how to identify what your employees already know and what they need to learn; how to design their jobs to maximize engagement; and how to apply a seven-step process for leading each person up their learning curve Build an A-Team, she argues that employees need continuous learning and fresh challenges to stay motivated. Johnson presents how to identify what your employees already know and what they need to learn; how to design their jobs to maximize engagement; and how to apply a seven-step process for leading each person up their learning curve.


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HBR's 10 Must Reads on Leadership for Healthcare

By Harvard Business Review, Thomas H. Lee, Daniel Goleman, and Peter F. Drucker

Go from being a good practitioner to an extraordinary leader of healthcare professionals. Leading experts Thomas H. Lee, MD; Daniel Goleman; Peter F. Drucker; John P. Kotter; and Warren G. Bennis provide the insights and advice you need to motivate others to excel; inspire positive change; and have an impact not only on your organization but on the surrounding system.


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