Summaries and excerpts of the latest books, special offers, and more from Harvard Business Review Press. |
| In his thirty years of working inside companies, HBS professor Michael Beer has witnessed firsthand how organizational silence can derail strategic objectives. In Fit to Compete, he presents an antidote to silence — a process for holding honest conversations with everyone in your company in order to hear the raw, but necessary, truths about why your strategy may not be working. | | | | | | | | |
| AI-centric organizations exhibit a new operating architecture, redefining how they create, capture, share, and deliver value. Authors Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani show how reinventing the firm around data, analytics, and AI removes traditional constraints on scale, scope, and learning that have restricted business growth for hundreds of years. | | | | | | | | |
| HBR’s exclusive tools | | Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning may soon drive a massive reshaping of the economy and society. But what impact is AI already making in the workplace? Is it living up to the hype? And what should your company be doing to ensure it is poised for success? This 20-article collection, curated by our editors, includes the latest research, case studies, and analysis on machine intelligence published by Harvard Business Review. | | | | | | | | |
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