Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review

April 26, 2018

Managers, Be Respectful to Departing Employees

When one of your employees quits, you may take it personally. But keep in mind that their decision may have little to do with you: Most people leave because their opportunities for growth are limited. Encourage all your employees to openly discuss with you their goals and plans for the future, even if those plans don't involve staying with the company. Honest conversations like these will help you plan for the future if an employee doesn't intend to stay over the long term. And don't try to convince employees to stay if they aren't getting the opportunities they need; they'll just end up bored and unmotivated. If you accept that it's time for someone to move on, they will leave feeling positive — and you'll have a stronger pool of alumni advocating for your company in the marketplace. Making the exit process open and respectful will be better in the long run for you and the person leaving.

Adapted from "As Your Company Evolves, What Happens to Employees Who Don't?" by Robert Glazer



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HBR Guide to Data Analytics Basics for Managers Ebook + Tools

Harvard Business Review

The HBR Guide to Data Analytics Basics for Managers Ebook + Tools provides practical tips, advice, and tools to help you use data to improve your decision making. You'll learn how to work with your team to create business experiments, ask the right questions when analyzing data and speaking with data experts, and communicate your findings in a way that influences and persuades. The ebook + tools set includes tip sheets, videos, a customizable slide deck and worksheet, question sheets, and articles to help you learn how to tease insight from data—and use those findings to inform your toughest decisions.


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