| New this month | | | Conscious Capitalism Field Guide You subscribe to the basic idea that business can do more than make money, but you're not sure how to act on that conviction or how to share it with the rest of your organization. The Conscious Capitalism Field Guide—the authoritative follow-up to the bestselling book Conscious Capitalism, by John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, and leadership expert Raj Sisodia—gives you the tools for sharing and implementing the principles of higher purpose and conscious business throughout your organization. | | | | | | Join HBR's Executive Book Club | | | | | | |
| New this month | | | Human + Machine AI is radically transforming business. Are you ready? In Human + Machine, authors Paul R. Daugherty and H. James Wilson reveal how companies are using the new rules of AI to leap ahead of the competition. They describe six entirely new types of hybrid human + machine roles that every company must develop—and they present a "leader's guide" with the five crucial principles required to become an AI-fueled business. This is your much-needed management playbook in the new age of AI. | | | | | | | | |
| The Mind of the Leader Learn the secrets of better performance, creativity, and employee engagement in The Mind of the Leader. Authors Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter show how managers and executives who lead with three core mental traits: mindfulness, selflessness, and compassion, achieve stronger results for their organizations. | | | | | | | | |
| HBR's exclusive tools | | HBR Guide to Building Your Business Case Ebook + Tools You've got a great idea that will increase profitability or productivity—but how do you get approval for the budget and resources to make it happen? By building a business case that clearly shows your idea's value. Available exclusively through HBR.org, The HBR Guide to Building Your Business Case eBook + Tools will help you: 1) Spell out the business need and align it with strategic goals, 2) Gather feedback to shape and test your idea, 3) Calculate ROI, 4) Analyze risks and opportunities, 5) Gain support from colleagues, 6) Present your case to stakeholders, and 7) Secure the resources your project needs. | | | | | | | | |
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