Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

January 29, 2019

Don’t Just Have a To-Do List — Timebox It

The only thing worse than having a long to-do list is not knowing how you’re going to get everything done. Timeboxing can help: It’s a way of converting your to-do list into blocks of time on your calendar, so you have a plan for what to do and when. Start by looking at your to-do list and figuring out each task’s deadlines. For example, if a promotional video has to go live on a Tuesday, and the production team needs 72 hours to incorporate your edits, then put a hold on your calendar at least 72 hours before Tuesday. Repeat for each item on your to-do list. If you work on a team where people can see one another’s calendars, timeboxing has the added benefit of showing people that the work will get done on time. But the biggest advantage of timeboxing might be that it gives you a feeling of control over your calendar — which can help you feel happier at work.

Adapted from "How Timeboxing Works and Why It Will Make You More Productive," by Marc Zao-Sanders



Good Charts Workbook

Scott Berinato

You know right away when you see an effective chart or graphic. It hits you with an immediate sense of its meaning and impact. But what actually makes it clearer, sharper, and more effective? If you’re ready to create your own “good charts” — data visualizations that powerfully communicate your ideas and research and that advance your career — the Good Charts Workbook is the hands-on guide you’ve been looking for.


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HBR’s 10 Must Reads on AI, Analytics, and the New Machine Age

Harvard Business Review, Michael E. Porter, Thomas H. Davenport, Paul Daugherty

Machine learning and data analytics are powering a wave of groundbreaking technologies. Is your company ready?

In this latest book from our Must Reads series, we’ve combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you understand how these technologies work together, how to adopt them, and why your strategy can’t ignore them.

In this book you’ll learn how: data science, driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning, is yielding unprecedented business insights; blockchain has the potential to restructure the economy; drones and driverless vehicles are becoming essential tools; 3-D printing is making new business models possible; augmented reality is transforming retail and manufacturing; smart speakers are redefining the rules of marketing; humans and machines are working together to reach new levels of productivity.


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