Monday, January 21, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

January 21, 2019

How to Work with Someone Who Bugs You

Sometimes you have to work with a colleague you don’t particularly like. They may not be toxic or difficult — they might just get on your nerves. To work with them productively, remind yourself that while you won’t get along with everyone, there is potential value in every interaction. Think about the other person’s point of view: Why do they do the things that annoy you? What might be motivating them? And how do you seem to them? It also helps to approach conversations with a problem-solving mindset: “I don’t feel like we are working together as effectively as we could. What do you think? Do you have any ideas for how we can work together better?” If that doesn’t work, try asking for their help: “You’ve been around here longer than I have. What should I be doing more or less of?” This can ease tensions and reboot a difficult relationship because it shows that you value the person’s experience.

Adapted from "How to Collaborate with People You Don't Like," by Mark Nevins



Good Charts Workbook

Scott Berinato

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Self-Awareness (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)

Harvard Business Review, Daniel Goleman, Robert Steven Kaplan, and Susan David

Self-awareness, the bedrock of emotional intelligence, enables you to see your talents, shortcomings, and potential. Learn how to understand your thoughts and emotions, how to persuade colleagues to share what they really think of you, and why self-awareness will spark more productive and rewarding relationships with your employees and bosses.


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