Friday, September 7, 2018

The Management Tip of the Day

September 7, 2018

If Your Boss Doesn't Advocate for You, Find a Sponsor Who Will

A boss who doesn't advocate for you can stunt your growth and limit your career opportunities. But rather than getting frustrated by the situation, take matters into your own hands. Start by letting go of whatever anger or hurt you feel toward your boss. You can't shame someone into helping you, and it's likely that your negative feelings will only make the situation worse. Then try to find a senior leader who will advocate for you. The ideal sponsor is a powerful, high-ranking person in your organization. Sponsors typically choose their protégés, so you'll want to increase your visibility to help the person notice you. Raise your hand to participate in organization-wide task forces and cross-functional teams. By contributing to important strategic projects, you'll build your skills and interact with new people. Working for a boss who doesn't recognize your potential isn't necessarily a career-killer — as long as you find others who do.

Adapted from "What to Do When Your Boss Won't Advocate for You," by Nicholas Pearce



Smart Business: What Alibaba's Success Reveals about the Future of Strategy

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