September 5, 2018 Don't Apologize for Crying at WorkPeople are often told they shouldn't cry at work. For women especially, shedding tears can be seen as a sign of weakness. But crying is a normal biological response to stress, frustration, or sadness. So if you break down at work, don't apologize or allow others to accuse you (explicitly or implicitly) of being unprofessional. If you're not embarrassed about crying, others won't be either. Own your tears. Take a breath, and then say something like, "As you can see, I really care about this topic." Let yourself laugh about it, if you can — often that will relieve the tension and make you and everyone else feel more comfortable. On the other hand, if you begin sobbing, excuse yourself and leave the room until you calm down. But when you come back, or the next time you're with that group, bring up what happened and talk about it transparently. Adapted from "Why Is Crying at Work Such a Big Deal?," by Jeneva Patterson |
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