Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review


THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

September 01, 2017

When You Really Need a Favor, Ask in Person

When you want to ask your colleagues for a favor — to review your draft presentation, lend some resources to an important project, or even to support you in your local charity run — it feels most efficient to send a group email. But a new study finds that people tend to overestimate the power of their persuasiveness over text and email and underestimate how effective face-to-face requests are. Asking someone in person is far more likely to be successful. Remember that most people have an inbox full of requests from people. You don’t want your favor to get lost in that heap. Sure, going to talk to someone may be less convenient and more uncomfortable, but if you really need someone to help you out, stop by their desk or schedule a meeting. Doing so demonstrates the importance of the task and cuts through the digital clutter.

Adapted from "A Face-to-Face Request Is 34 Times More Successful than an Email," by Vanessa K. Bohns



If You Really Want to Change the World: A Guide to Creating, Building, and Sustaining Breakthrough Ventures

HBS Press Book

The fail fast, step-and-pivot philosophy in today’s business world is like taking a random walk in the forest without a compass. “If You Really Want to Change the World” is about helping entrepreneurs find true north. Written by Henry Kressel and Norman Winarski – experienced technologists, inventors, and investors – this book is a guide for those who wish to create market-leading and world-changing ventures.

Buy It Now


Teams at Work: Make Time for the Work That Matters

What if you could free up as much as 20% of your workday to focus on the responsibilities that really matter? This digital toolkit supports you as you lead your team through tried-and-true techniques for increasing productivity. It includes (1) the HBR article "Make Time for the Work That Matters"; (2) a presentation-ready PowerPoint, based on the article, complete with presenter's notes; (3) a worksheet that walks you and your team through the process of applying this idea to your own work; (4) a video overview of the concept, featuring one of the article's authors. This out-of-the-box solution will quickly get you and your team focusing on the work that matters.

Buy It Now

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