Friday, September 29, 2017

Are You Accurately Measuring Your Company's Digital Strength?


FINANCE NEWSLETTER Harvard Business Review

September 29, 2017

Are You Accurately Measuring Your Company's Digital Strength?

By Jeff Maling, Rod Fertig, Arun Muthupalaniappan

Why Banning Questions About Salary History May Not Improve Pay Equity by Lydia Frank

A survey reveals the potential for hidden biases.

Coastal Cities Are Increasingly Vulnerable, and So Is the Economy that Relies on Them by Gregory Unruh

Miami is a perfect example.

Starting a Business Can Increase Older Workers' Quality of Life (Even When It Doesn't Pay Well) by Maria Minniti, Teemu Kautonen, Ewald Kibler

Governments should find ways to encourage it.

As European Banks Retreat from the World Stage, China Is Stepping Up by Susan Lund, Eckart Windhagen

Since the financial crisis, finance has become less global.


Competing on Analytics, Updated Edition

By Thomas H. Davenport and Jeanne G. Harris

The landmark book that first introduced business leaders to analytics as a strategic capability is now updated with fresh content and new examples. Competing on Analytics reveals how analytics are rewriting the rules of competition and provides a road map for how to create new strategies based on sophisticated analytics. Through the lens of a five-stage model authors Thomas Davenport and Jeanne Harris describe how companies like Google, UPS, and Disney are using analytics to transform their organizations from marketing and HR to operations and R&D. With equal emphasis on human and technological resources, this book reveals how even the most highly analytical companies can up their game.

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HBR Guide to Data Analytics Basics for Managers Ebook + Tools

Harvard Business Review

The HBR Guide to Data Analytics Basics for Managers Ebook + Tools provides practical tips, advice, and tools to help you use data to improve your decision making. You'll learn how to work with your team to create business experiments, ask the right questions when analyzing data and speaking with data experts, and communicate your findings in a way that influences and persuades. The ebook + tools set includes tip sheets, videos, a customizable slide deck and worksheet, question sheets, and articles to help you learn how to tease insight from data—and use those findings to inform your toughest decisions.

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  HBR's 10 Must Reads Ultimate Boxed Set
HBR's 10 Must Reads Ultimate Boxed Set
A smart gift for your team, colleagues, or clients, these books offer essential reading selected from the pages of Harvard Business Review on topics critical to the success of every manager. Build your business library with advice and inspiration from leading experts such as Clayton Christensen, Peter Drucker, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, John Kotter, Michael Porter, Daniel Goleman, Theodore Levitt, and Rita Gunther McGrath. Get the 14-volume collection as a paperback boxed set or ebook set, and save more than 10% off the individual components.
HBR Guide to Analytics Basics for Managers Ebook + Tools
HBR Guide to Analytics Basics for Managers Ebook + Tools
Get the practical tips, advice, and tools to help you use data to improve your decision making. You'll learn how to work with your team to create business experiments, ask the right questions when analyzing data and speaking with data experts, and communicate your findings in a way that influences and persuades.
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HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations Ebook + Video Case Study
Packed with practical advice on everything from structuring content to overcoming stage fright, the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations Ebook + Video Case Study will help you organize a coherent narrative, create powerful messages, and engage your audience in any situation.
HBR Emotional Intelligence Collection
HBR Emotional Intelligence Collection
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The Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review


THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

September 29, 2017

Before a Difficult Conversation, Prepare for Multiple Scenarios

When you need to have a tense conversation, don’t try to wing it. You can’t know how the discussion will go, so think through a few possible scenarios ahead of time. What if your counterpart gets upset and cries? What if they get angry? What if you get interrupted, or need to finish the conversation quickly? Of course, you can’t write a script for every eventuality, but considering as many of them as possible will help make sure you don’t get blindsided and lose your cool. You might also want to find a trusted colleague with whom you can role-play some scenarios. Try different approaches, and test out phrases you might use for various possibilities. Then ask your role-play partner to give you feedback.

Adapted from the HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict, by Amy Gallo



Competing on Analytics, Updated Edition

By Thomas H. Davenport and Jeanne G. Harris

The landmark book that first introduced business leaders to analytics as a strategic capability is now updated with fresh content and new examples. Competing on Analytics reveals how analytics are rewriting the rules of competition and provides a road map for how to create new strategies based on sophisticated analytics. Through the lens of a five-stage model authors Thomas Davenport and Jeanne Harris describe how companies like Google, UPS, and Disney are using analytics to transform their organizations from marketing and HR to operations and R&D. With equal emphasis on human and technological resources, this book reveals how even the most highly analytical companies can up their game.

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HBR Guide to Emotional Intelligence

Harvard Business Review

Determine your emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses, understand and manage your emotional reactions, deal with difficult people, and learn to make smarter decisions with the HBR Guide to Emotional Intelligence.

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