Monday, March 4, 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

March 4, 2019

Should You Consider Your Boss’s Counteroffer?

When you’ve been offered a job at another company, should you consider a counteroffer from your current employer? It depends why you’re thinking about leaving. If the change is purely about compensation, consider whether taking the counteroffer could hurt your reputation. It could lead executives to question your loyalty, or colleagues to resent you for what they perceive as special treatment. On the other hand, if leaving would be a strategic move for your career, staying might not be the best choice. A higher salary won’t change a job you are dissatisfied with or have outgrown, after all. But if the counteroffer includes a new role that excites you and would let you keep growing, weigh the pros and cons. And think about the long term: If you accept the counteroffer, how likely is it that you’ll want to leave in a year or two? If you’re still unsure what to do, discuss it with a mentor or trusted colleague.

Adapted from "If You’re About to Take a New Job, Should You Consider Your Boss’s Counteroffer?," by Kelly O. Kay and Michael Cullen



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Harvard Business Review, Daniel Goleman, Annie McKee, and Bill George

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