Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Leadership: Why Visionary Leadership Fails


March 5, 2019

Why Visionary Leadership Fails

By Nufer Yasin Ates, Murat Tarakci, Jeanine P. Porck, Daan van Knippenberg, Patrick Groenen

The Feedback Fallacy by Marcus Buckingham, Ashley Goodall

For years, managers have been encouraged to praise and constructively criticize just about everything their employees do. But there are better ways to help employees thrive and excel.

The 3 Elements of Trust by Jack Zenger, Joseph Folkman

And which one is most important for leaders.

Traeger's CEO on Cleaning Up a Toxic Culture by Jeremy Andrus

The company essentially had to start from scratch.

The Collaboration Blind Spot by Lisa B. Kwan

Too many managers ignore the greatest threat in launching cross-group initiatives: provoking defensive behaviors.



Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

Look around your office. Turn on the TV. Incompetent leadership is everywhere, and there’s no denying that most of these leaders are men.

In this timely and provocative book, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic asks two powerful questions: Why is it so easy for incompetent men to become leaders? And why is it so hard for competent people — especially competent women — to advance?

When competent women — and men who don't fit the stereotype — are unfairly overlooked, we all suffer the consequences. The result is a deeply flawed system that rewards arrogance rather than humility, and loudness rather than wisdom. There is a better way. Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? shows us what it really takes to lead and how new systems and processes can help us put the right people in charge.


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Harvard Business Review Guides Ultimate Boxed Set

Harvard Business Review, Nancy Duarte, Bryan A. Garner, and Mary L. Shapiro

The 16-volume, specially priced Harvard Business Review Guides Ultimate Boxed Set is the perfect resource for aspiring leaders looking for trusted advice on such diverse topics as data analytics, negotiating, business writing, leading teams, and coaching. This set includes these guides: Persuasive Presentations; Better Business Writing; Finance Basics; Data Analytics; Building Your Business Case; Making Every Meeting Matter; Project Management; Emotional Intelligence; Getting the Right Work Done; Negotiating; Leading Teams; Coaching Employees; Performance Management; Delivering Effective Feedback; Dealing with Conflict; Managing Up and Across.


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