Friday, September 30, 2016

The Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review


THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

September 30, 2016

How to Navigate Political Discussions at Work

Talking about politics at work can be tricky: However strong your views are, you don’t want to alienate your coworkers. Here are some strategies for having a tactful, diplomatic dialogue.

  • Focus on learning. Chances are, you’re not going to change your coworker’s mind, so frame your conversation as a chance to learn about their viewpoint instead. Ask questions. Be curious and open-minded.
  • Show respect. Validate the content of your colleague’s argument with phrases like, “I can see you care about this a lot” or “It sounds like you’ve thought this through.”
  • Seek common ground. To prevent the conversation from getting overheated, look for areas where you and your colleague are aligned. Don’t demonize the other person just because you disagree.
  • Deflect if necessary. If your colleague brings up politics, you don’t have to join the conversation. You’re not obligated to be candid about your thoughts and feelings.

Adapted from "Should You Talk About Politics at Work?" by Rebecca Knight


Announcing the Management Tip on Amazon Alexa

Do you own an Amazon Echo? An audio version of the Management Tip of the Day is now available on Alexa devices. Start your weekdays with a quick, one-minute Tip read to you in your Flash Briefing. Find us in the Skills section of the Alexa app and get HBR's practical insights when you ask Alexa, “What's New?”


The Analytical Marketer: How to Transform Your Marketing Organization

HBR Press Book

Analytics are driving big changes, not only in what marketing departments do but in how they are organized, staffed, led, and run. "The Analytical Marketer," written by Adele Sweetwood, the head of global marketing for SAS, provides critical insight into the changing marketing organization and the tools for reinventing it. Challenged and inspired by their company's own products, the SAS marketing team was forced to rethink itself in order to take advantage of the new capabilities that those tools offer. With additional examples from other leading companies, this book is a practical guide to creating a new marketing culture that thrives on and adds value through data and analytics.

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Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review


THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

September 29, 2016

Don't Let Feeling Like an Imposter Hold You Back

We’ve all had that feeling of being a poser, being unworthy, or being unqualified to do something we’ve been tasked to do. But the fact that everyone occasionally suffers from impostor syndrome (even CEOs) doesn’t make it any easier to handle. Next time you feel like you’re in over your head, try these three things:

  • Recognize the benefits of being a novice. There are positives to being new in your field. When you’re not steeped in the conventional wisdom of a given profession or industry, you can ask questions that haven’t been asked before or approach problems in ways others haven’t thought of.
  • Adopt a learning mindset. Focus more on what you’re learning than on how you’re performing. Don’t beat yourself up for making mistakes. Appreciate that your limitations and missteps are helping you develop.
  • Know that you’re not alone. If you’re feeling like an impostor, chances are that others in your situation feel the exact same way. Or, as Tina Fey once quipped, “I’ve realized that almost everyone is a fraud, so I try not to feel too bad about it.”

Adapted from "Everyone Suffers from Impostor Syndrome — Here's How to Handle It," by Andy Molinsky


Announcing the Management Tip on Amazon Alexa

Do you own an Amazon Echo? An audio version of the Management Tip of the Day is now available on Alexa devices. Start your weekdays with a quick, one-minute Tip read to you in your Flash Briefing. Find us in the Skills section of the Alexa app and get HBR's practical insights when you ask Alexa, “What's New?”


The Analytical Marketer: How to Transform Your Marketing Organization

HBR Press Book

Analytics are driving big changes, not only in what marketing departments do but in how they are organized, staffed, led, and run. "The Analytical Marketer," written by Adele Sweetwood, the head of global marketing for SAS, provides critical insight into the changing marketing organization and the tools for reinventing it. Challenged and inspired by their company's own products, the SAS marketing team was forced to rethink itself in order to take advantage of the new capabilities that those tools offer. With additional examples from other leading companies, this book is a practical guide to creating a new marketing culture that thrives on and adds value through data and analytics.

Buy Now